Who we are

Timber is a multi-disciplinary design studio that crafts meaningful brand identities.

We believe in transparency and collaboration, and we’re committed to simply-stated, easily-understood dialogue throughout our process. Our goal is to create a safe space for creative exploration while we work together to build your brand’s identity. It’s ok if you don’t know what you’re doing, because we do.

David Moscati
Founder &
Creative Director

David Moscati received a degree in graphic design from the Savannah College of Art & Design. Throughout his fifteen years experience in branding and marketing he has held positions at both small boutique branding studios and large ad agencies. His previous clients have included NBC Universal, The Humane Society, Paramount Pictures, Marvel Studios, COX Communications, and Georgia Pacific.

David has been nationally and internationally recognized for his design work, and he has helped secure multiple awards for his previous clients and employers. He lives in Atlanta with his wife, son, and a one-eyed cat named Stanley.